The tragic events of the Manchester bomb and subsequent Inquiry have increased the focus and scope of the trauma medicine response required from the security industry. Prometheus Medical currently supports several of the largest global security providers, providing a comprehensive medical compliance package, tailor-made to the specifics of each company.
The Chairman of the Manchester Arena Inquiry stated, “The Security Industry Authority should take urgent steps to devise a training scheme in first responder interventions that educates all of those licensed by it, both existing licensees and new licence applicants.”
Partnering with Prometheus Medical will ensure your company’s infrastructure is compliant, and your SOPs are fit for purpose:
- Protecting your reputation
- Protecting your customers’ reputations
- Showing you are responsive to the findings in the report
Medical Management: Threat Assessment
Threat assessments are a prerequisite within the security service helping you to judge how adverse events may impact the venue you are protecting, to assess and mitigate the medical risk should the threat ever occur, minimising impact to your organisation and third parties.
We will assess medical vulnerability so you can:
- Anticipate an incident
- Manage an incident
- Provide a resilient response
Our insight into the Security sector will enable you to fast-track from where you are at today, to where you’d like to be.
I have added a Q&A below which will help you consolidate your thoughts:
What more can I do to ensure that my company’s critical medical infrastructure is risk-resilient and within my scope of influence or control?
For organisations without in-house medical support and expertise, we can provide an expert, who will act in a CMO (Chief Medical Officer) capacity, guiding key decision-makers with critical medical management planning and updates.
How do I identify risks?
Companies with Clinical Governance take advantage of having their documentation overviewed by our medical experts, safeguarding the interests of all personnel involved and your reputation.
How do I assess the interoperability of my team?
Having a “medical management” overview of policies and procedures from a medical and strategic perspective ensures you have the right people, in the right place, at the right time.
How do I assess the medical effectiveness of front-line security officers?
Having a “medical management” overview of your team holistically – will ensure your security officers are empowered with the correct medical knowledge appropriate for the level of their responsibility.
Prometheus Medical can also train and equip your staff with the most up-to-date knowledge. Our courses are taught by practising medics, meaning you benefit from the most current knowledge. We also supply industry-leading equipment, our own patented products, and medical kit bags as supplied to Ambulance services in the UK.
We can provide site-specific system stress testing, re-creating highly realistic simulated sessions to test responsiveness.
How do I back up my front-line security officers?
Reachback 24/7 telemedical support enhances the capabilities of your on-site first responders to make more involved clinical decisions, which subsequently mitigates risk. It guarantees you immediate access to UK NHS consultant-level clinicians – specialists in emergency and trauma medicine.
In these uncertain times, threat and risk assessments are continually analysed by security teams to mitigate risk for security officers and the people they protect. From a medical standpoint, the report from the Manchester Arena Inquiry highlights the need for security officers to be trained to a higher level than First Aid with a view to them being more able to assist with medical traumas that endanger life.
Working with us will give you the peace of mind that your company has recognised and controlled risk for all parties and that your security officers are trained to high levels of competency, backed up by telemedical support – meaning staff morale is high as they feel valued and empowered.
If you have any immediate questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch: +44 (0)1568 600695