Prometheus Medical Visit our Training Campus

Visit our Training Centre

Prometheus Medical can be easily reached by car or by train. Our address is: Prometheus Medical Ltd, The Old Rectory, Hope Under Dinmore, Herefordshire, HR6 0PW


Cardiff & Manchester – Trains run hourly in both directions.
London & the South Coast – Change at Newport, South Wales, for London and the South Coast of England.
North West & North East – Change at Manchester for the Northwest and North East.

The nearest rail stations are situated at either Leominster or Hereford. Approximately 4 and 8 miles respectively from The Old Rectory.


Please note if arriving in the evening by rail we recommend booking a taxi from Leominster to the Old Rectory in advance.

Goldline Taxis Leominster – 01568 611 100

Leominster Taxis Leominster – 01568 616 964

Blue Line Taxis Hereford – 01432 343 435

T1 Taxis Hereford – 01432 351 422