Prometheus instructors hosted a medical scenario demonstration day for a Consultancy and Training client to showcase and demonstrate to staff how to get the best out of Medical Scenario training. The staff had all previously completed First Response Emergency Care Level 3 RQF (FREC 3) training with Prometheus and they attended the day to gain full insight into how they could facilitate their own scenario training for the rest of their departments, using SIMBODIES and casualty simulation make-up to recreate scenarios that they are likely to encounter in their sector.
SIMBODIES, who are also a part of the global company Safeguard Medical, are renowned for simulation and moulage equipment, designed to closely replicate the look and appearance of the human body.
Medical scenario training day
The day started with a fantastic hands-on, practical session from SIMBODIES who demonstrated applying realistic casualty simulation (cassim) makeup on casualty actors and the life-like SIMBODIES manikins. A full range of wounds and injuries were realistically recreated using simulation sleeves and wound prosthetics.
The scenarios and demonstrations during the day were designed to reflect the types of scenarios that our client’s emergency medical responders face in their workplace. All are First Response Emergency Care Level 3 RQF (FREC 3) trained by Prometheus, undertaking their responder role in addition to their main workplace role, so the medical scenarios and casualty simulation were designed to demonstrate their FREC 3 competencies and give them confidence to apply them in a real-world situation.
Scenarios included a cardiac arrest incident (Basic Life Support and AED skills), a multi-casualty incident involving a vehicle, and the casualties included multi-system trauma and medical emergency.
Consultancy and Training Services
Prometheus Training and Consultancy team has worked extensively and collaboratively with the client through the provision of Consultancy Services and Training. These services have included bespoke needs analysis of their emergency medical response system across multiple sites, providing FREC 3 training to their emergency medical responders, along with other bespoke medical training, through to the provision of remote medical support via our Reachback telemedicine service. Prometheus Reachback telemedicine gives 24/7 direct access to our team of Emergency Medicine and pre-hospital Consultants who provide remote advice ranging from primary care to emergency conditions and traumatic incidents.